Girls, Hip-Hop, and What You Can Do To Help

Today young women are ever more influenced by Hip-Hop culture, in the way they dress, behave, and speak. Hip-Hop has changed from a celebration of urban youths’ self-expression to the glorification of the Pimp lifestyle. “B*tch,” “trick”, and “ho” have all become synonymous with the word “woman”, thus eroding the self-worth and value of womanhood, particularly among our youth.
Celebrate HER Now! is a practical and life-affirming workbook and journal for concerned mothers, mentors and aspiring role models who want to learn how to communicate, bond and embrace our female youth within the Hip-Hop Generation.

Lacey C. Clark!, CEO and Lead Personal Empowerment Coach of Sisters’ Sanctuary TM, provides practical and life–affirming information in helping YOU to alleviate the issues plaguing teen girls today.

Celebrate HER Now! will inspire you to:

  • Create your personal Sanctuary
  • Identify youth to support
  • Invest in the mental, physical, emotional and financial well being of female youth.
What People Are Saying:
“We are moving into a generation of females that have learned how to survive and adapt to struggles that are overwhelming, unimaginable, and filled with the threat of redefining the concept of “basic needs.” This adaptation creates girls with manipulated desires and wants that demand immediate attention. Celebrate HER Now! offers clear mechanisms for this attention.” — Stacey Redmond, Physicist/Instructor at Philadelphia High School For Girls
“Celebrate HER Now! is a timely, solution-driven interactive guide for women of all ages!” — Dr. Yumy Odom, Director Temple University / PASCEP
“Lacey! is the Hip-Hop Oprah Winfrey!” — Gwen Foster, Health and Fitness Czar, Philadelphia

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